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Vermillion County, IL



2013 Queries

I am trying to find info on Beulah Campbell Easley. She was once married to one of my great uncles, I think George Campbell. They had up to 4 children. I am doing a family tree, but have little on the Campbell branch. My only living Campbell aunt mentioned this woman, who she met as a teenager in the late '40's or early 50's. Beulah and her then husband lived on a Madison St. in Danville. I think she may have been from or had ties to Henderson, Ky. I believe my uncle settled there.

Query Archives

All queries that are submitted to this site will be maintained as a permanent part of the Vermilion County web site.

I am researching the Garrard CARTER family, Zachariah ROBERTSON, Samuel MUNNELL and Robert C. WILSON families, all from the Henning, Bismarck, Newell area. My grandparents Edwin Wilson and Nellie Carter Wilson came to Washington State in 1900 on the train. Nellies mother, Jane Munnell Carter also moved to WA State but she chose to sail around the Cape. Jane worked on the Underground Railroad. I want to learn more about this fascinating woman to pass on to my great-granddaughters. Would like to compare and exchange genealogical information with any descendants.

Thanks - Helene Wilson Frese.

Looking for information on John WILLIAMS and family. John was born in Danville in 1862, moved back to Danville in 1900, and worked in the coal mines. He and wife and one child moved to Worden, IL in 1906, leaving behind several other children: Fred (married to Minnie ?), Charles (never married) and Francis (daughter who is believed to have died before 1920).

Any info is greatly appreciated.
Myra Best Christeck

Note: Update:
Fred married Minnie M. Downey

For corrections or additions, please contact me: State Coordinator

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