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Hoopeston Chronicle

Transcribed and provided by Yolanda ( ACEPUB

Hoopeston Chronicle, Thursday, January 31, 1878

Personal Paragraphs (At home) --Partial transcript--

Agent Chamberlain ’s big brother from the Buckeye State is visiting him.

Mrs. J.B. Wilson of Wellington, was visiting friends in the city this week.

Mr. Reed and wife, of Cincinnati, are visiting their niece, Mrs. A.H. Trego .

F.M. Sherfy , Danville, called yesterday, and a business card elsewhere is the result.

Honest John Campbell , the jolly landlord of Rankin, called yesterday. He reports his town in prosperous state.

Ebenezer Gray , brother of Mr. Thomas Hoopes , and wife, from Iowa, are making their visit to the boss city on Illinois’ eastern boarder.

Fred Grant , a bright young attorney from Marysville, called yesterday. Fred is working up a good practice, and will some day distinguish himself.

Mrs. R. Casement, of Danville, is in the city visiting friends. Her children are in good health, while Robert is still in the hospital for the insane in Anna.

J.W. Freeman , of Boswell, a former resident of this city, and Alphabetical Baker , principal of Boswell schools, were wagging paws with friends this week.

John Logan started yesterday for his new home. He leaves many friends who wish him all kinds of good luck. His address is El Paso, Sedgwick county, Kansas.

John Burns went up to Chicago and bought about half the town this week. Some people think he is getting ready to have his hair pulled legally, but this is probably untrue.

Uncle Joshua Galloway was prancing around the city Tuesday with his store clothes on, wearing a twenty-cent cane and a biled shirt. All this demonstration was in honor of Tom Paine’s birthday.

Augustus Cesar Allen , the prosperous young attorney from Rossville, was in the city this week getting measured for a new set of harness. We sniff cake with bugs in it and sugar on top from afar. Bless you children.

HOOPESTON CHRONICLE - Thursday, January 30, 1879

SYRUPS – Fresh maple, sugar drips and Orleans syrups, just received at A.H. Young & Co.’s . Call and examine

ADVERTISED.  The following letters are in the Hoopeston post office and uncalled for: F.B. Baker, Flora H. Rickey, J.P. or E.J. Cowgill, J.P. Cowgill, William Reece, Mrs. Lou Hansbery, James F. Swarner, John Schweisdall, Louis Thomas . When calling for the same please say ‘advertised.’  DALE WALLACE, P.M.

IN BAD CONDITION. The family of Isaac Perkins , three of whom are confined to their beds with typhoid fever, and have been for several weeks, are needing assistance of a charitable nature, and we hope the people of this city will forget their trivial expenditures and entertainments for a while and contribute to the relief of this afflicted family... (H.C., Thursday,January 30, 1879)

Selected Vitals from the Hoopeston Chronicle.


PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS: Hobert ’s boy was a girl. Arrived yesterday, and Washington Irving says it was a golly whopper, a shade under twenty pounds. (H.C. Thursday, January 31, 1878)

THE CENSUS. A little girl arrived at “ Doc” Vorhes’ the other day, a picture of its mother. – E.C. Pease is very proud of his baby boy, while Benj. Heffley is satisfied with his little girl. Wonderful spring this for girls. (H.C., Thursday, March 21, 1878)

Pierce Lewis, on the north side rejoices over the birth of a 12-pound baby boy on Sunday. That puts the Third ward three ahead. The First and Second wards are making superhuman efforts but will probably be distanced. We think of removing THE CHRONICLE office into Third Ward. (H.C. December 27, 1882)


INFANT DEATHS. – The year old child of John Kiser was buried last Sunday. It’s death occurred on its first birthday. Jas. A. Hicks baby, seven months old, was buried Tuesday. (H.C., Thursday, March 21, 1878)

DIED. – March 16 th , in this city, Mrs. Lizzie Torrence , wife of the pastor of U.P. Church, of hasty consumption, in the 42 nd year of her age. The subject of this notice was an humble and sincere christian, and early made a profession of her faith, and has ever lived a consistent christian life... (H.C., Thursday, March 21, 1878)

ACCIDENTAL DEATHS - We have this week to record the sad death of two young men who by accidents were torn from the arms of loved ones and conveyed into the land of the great hereafter without a moment’s warning. last Sunday week Richard Lewis, better known as Dick, of Fountain Creek, son-in-law of Thomas Fitzgerald , was out hunting, and having chased a rabbit beneath a bridge was using his gun as a means of scaring his game, the muzzle toward him, when, by some unaccountable means the lock was sprung and the gun discharged, the load passing through his left lung, near the heart. He possessed sufficient strength to walk a short distance, when he fell and soon expired, He leaves a wife and two children as special mourners.

On Saturday last, Martin V. Harris , of this township, in company with a friend who was visiting him, named Let Hohnestein , from Piper City, had spent the day in hunting, and upon their return home Martin discovered a chicken by the wayside, which he proposed to kill. The sleigh was stopped, he jumped out, reached in and was drawing the gun out, muzzle toward him, when it was discharged, the load tearing away one half of his face and penetrating his brain, killing him instantly.  He fell in the snow a lifeless corpse, and never breathed again.

Mr. Harris was a young man, 22 years old, rather above the ordinary farmers’ sons in intelligence, and had acquired considerable knowledge as an artist in the new method of “theorem and mezzotint” painting. He had several classes in Ford County, and was spending holidays at his father’s, Lewis Harris .  The sad calamity has almost killed his father, who is now bedfast from the effects of shock. Despite the terrible warnings which every day are brought to our notice, these and similar accidents continue to occur. (H.C., Thursday, December 26, 1878)

DIED. - On Friday last, Elbridge Justin , son of J.S. and S.M. Hall , south of East Lynn, aged three and one half years. Elbie was a bright boy, the pride of loving parents. His death was caused by bilious remitting fever, with typhoid symptoms, and an affection of the brain. Rev. Haff conducted the funeral services. (H.C., Thursday, May 1, 1879)

PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS - W.I. Hobert’ s sister, Mrs. Elliott , and three nephews, all of Danville, attended the funeral of Fred Hobert yesterday. (H.C., Thursday, November 9, 1882)

Marriages & Anniversaries:

Married. At the residence of the bride’s parents, in this city, at 7:30 last evening, Rev. A.J. Hanna officiating, Miss Lillie Evans to Mr. Morris H. Lewis . Only a few relatives of the contracting parties were present, the wedding being very quiet. Among those present were Frank Lewis and wife, of Oxford; Mrs. Hall and daughter, of Kokomo; a  sister of the groom, from Oxford; Miss Maggie Hutton of Chicago, and Miss Anna Hutton of Burns, Kansas.

After the ceremony, an elegant supper was discussed and some handsome and valuable presents were made to the couple.

The groom is a prosperous and popular young business man, highly esteemed by all who know him, and the bride who has been a resident of Hoopeston since childhood has a host of friends, who unite with the CHRONICLE in wishing her and her fortunate husband a long and happy life. They will immediately begin housekeeping in the home already prepared by the groom on east main street. (H.C., February 5, 1890)

Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Bowers received some twenty-five or thirty of their friends last Friday evening. The reception was the occasion of their first anniversary wedding. The invited friends assembled early in the evening, and about eleven refreshments were served in abundance, and not until the wee hours did the party disperse. The guests, one and all, spent a very pleasant time and departed wishing the host and hostess many happy anniversary occasions in the future. (H.C Mar 14, 1878)

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